Carroll Freedom Players


The First Performance Carroll High School Drama

The Drama Club is one of the oldest student organizations at Carroll High School. It was formed during the very first school year in February 1962. 27 students took an interest in the club headed by parent volunteer, Mrs. Art Stucke. Assisting Mrs. Stucke were Mrs. Carl Kreuzer, Mrs. Timothy Danaher, and Mrs. Leo Kessler, Jr.

Curtain time for the first public performance of the dramatics club was 8:00 p.m. on Saturday, May 20, 1962. The Carroll Players presented two Wildcat Willie Comedies with variety acts in between the two plays. The first, entitled Wildcat Willie Gets the Woolies, was directed by Mrs. Margaret Danaher and starred Mike Thompson in the leading role of Wildcat Willie. The second, Wildcat Willie Swears off Swearing, directed by Mrs. Art Stucke, starred Charles Merrill as Wildcat Willie. Other parent directors included Mr. Arthur Stucke, Mrs. Carl Kreuzer, Mrs. Larry Marlin, and Mr. Francis Gebhardt. Admission was a donation of 75 cents for adults and 35 cents for students. A special performance was given for the nuns of the faculty and the surrounding parishes on Friday, the day before the first public performance.